Seek Out Alternative Revenue Sources
Many associations rely on too few sources of revenue, most often, the annual conference and dues. We’re still banking on the revenue from the BIG CONFERENCE to sustain our operations and not investing in digital efforts in a BIG way – robust job centers, thought-provoking online communities, jam-packed on-demand CME libraries. 

All of these investments can result in worthwhile gains down the road.

What’s in it For Me Members
Membership organizations took a hit during the pandemic. Now is the time to spotlight member benefits in every single marketing tactic – even if it’s a P.S. at the bottom – and personalize/target messages to show we know our audience.

Tighten Up Governance
Finding volunteer leaders is difficult. Instead of just finding warm bodies, we need to make sure our leaders are reflective of our membership.

Sharpen Data to Improve Member Outreach
Inheriting a database can be a challenge. Not knowing the thought behind the build can lead to a mess. It’s important to take the time to really get to know your database. After we’ve done a deep dive into the data, we can find ways to efficiently delete duplicates, standardizing how data is entered and fixing simple things like syntax and spelling. A BIG feat, but a great feeling once it’s completed and this best practice can lead to greater member recruitment and retention.