By Suzanne Fedie, CAE, and Edith Chavez

Like most organizations in 2020, our association client successfully navigated the challenges from COVID in several meaningful ways, including rolling over its 2020 conference hotel contract to October 2023. Little did leadership and staff know that another hurdle awaited in 2023 with this same property – Hotel construction.

Conference Background

This association’s annual conference typically hosts 150 attendees and features general sessions, two outdoor networking events and an exhibitor showcase. The association was officially notified by the host hotel in July 2023 that portions of the hotel would be undergoing remodeling during the scheduled conference. The areas under renovation were outside of the contracted event space.

Immediate Response

Given the timing and the nature of remodeling, it was decided to move forward. Over the next few months, we had additional meetings that included visual updates from the hotel. The Board was kept informed and further concessions were negotiated. Communications plans were put in place for the attendees as the conference approached.

However, upon arrival it became clear that certain parts of the contracted space were being negatively impacted by the construction. This hotel was chosen for its unique and inviting outdoor event spaces. However, all outdoor event spaces at the hotel were neglected. The hotel had suspended landscaping services. Furnishings were broken and dirty. Debris from construction in other areas of the property had spilled over to the outdoor areas.

The outdoor event areas were part of the contracted space, so the hotel was now technically in breach of contract. However, guests were scheduled to arrive in less than 48 hours. The contract issue would eventually be addressed with the hotel, but our priority was the safety and well-being of the attendees.

  • Backup Plans and Staying Solution Focus: Contingency plans were put in place to move the outdoor networking receptions to other areas of the hotel if the event space could not be ready in time. A list of necessary changes to the current condition of the event spaces was given to the hotel.
  • Unity and Pressure: Both the Board and staff presented a united front to the hotel, demonstrating strength and solidarity. Multiple meetings and event space walkthroughs continued in advance of the networking receptions, keeping consistent pressure on the hotel to address the concerns. Communications with the hotel always remained professional.
  • Attendee-Focused: Attendees were shielded from the construction chaos as much as possible, with acknowledgment of the situation when necessary.

Although construction was not a hurdle that our Leadership and staff expected to face, we were able to learn valuable lessons that we can take into future conference planning. Key lessons learned include: 

  • Documentation: If you arrive onsite and everything is not as it should be with the event space, immediately take photos and notes to document conditions. This will help you remember the extent of the situation and will be essential if there are any legal issues.
  • Added Site Visits: Add an additional site visit 1-2 months prior to your conference if any part of the hotel is undergoing construction or renovation either just before or during your event. A lot can change with construction between that site visit and your conference, but this will give you a better understanding of how the rest of the property is being impacted and more time to address potential issues with the hotel.
  • Designated Spokesperson: One of the first steps in crisis management is to designate a spokesperson and this is no different. Identifying one spokesperson to liaise onsite with the hotel will streamline communications, move changes forward more effectively and prevent confusion.
  • Strategic Pivot: The attendees must remain your top priority. In this situation, one of our outdoor event spaces could not be salvaged. We pivoted to a reception in the exhibitor showcase room which was not impacted by construction and served as a great opportunity to directly connect attendees with exhibitors.
  • Robust Construction Clauses: Pay attention to your construction clauses in the contract to ensure clearer terms and protections.

This association’s journey through unforeseen challenges serves as a testament to the importance of resilience and adaptable event management. By sharing these experiences and the strategies employed, the broader event planning community can gain insights into navigating u