Large gains in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are starting to become integrated into exponentially more technologies and industries this year, and associations are not immune to this explosion of applications.

From automated chat assistants on websites to AI-generated content for websites, we’re seeing it start to pop up in many industries that associations serve. The more widely-applied these technologies are, the more our members are going to look for this level of immediate and personal responses from their associations.

I anticipate 2023 is the year we start having conversations on what this could look like for our associations, or at a minimum – the impact this technology is starting to have on the industries our association members work in. We’ve been watching AI advances happen for years, but we’re now seeing the “rubber hit the road” with applications. If, how, where and why we look to incorporate this into our association offerings – and what the data security and privacy implications are – this will be a topic we see popping up with strong regularity this year.